Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Whole30, day 10: Feeling better by the day

I seriously have been sleeping like a baby for the past three nights. It can't be my imagination anymore, and if it is...I don't mind, I love it. When I go to bed, it takes me no more than fifteen minutes to fall asleep. I sleep for seven to eight straight hours and wake up without hitting the snooze butten a gazillion times. Love it!

Also, I started logging my foods on Fitday, to see what my carb/protein/fat ratios are and how many calories I consume. I averaged at 60% fat, 25% protein and 15% carbs, and between 1400 and 1800 calories. That seems pretty decent to me. I never really worried about ratios before, but I thought I'd see how I'm doing lately. Quite well I think.
For breakfast I ate a simple spinach scramble. I took some bacon pieces, fried them and added two hands of frozen spinach. When all was warmed through, I addes two eggs and started stirring. Tossed in some salt and Italian herbs and voila: breakfast.

A year ago, I couldn't imagine eating a breakfast without bread. A typical Dutch breakfast is two to three slices of bread, some butter (or margarine), topped with cheese or meat slices. Jam, peanut butter, or hagelslag (chocolate sprinkles) are also favorite choices. Fried eggs in the morning, with bacon are considered very British or American and very unhealthy. Unhealthy my a**! I remember a little over a year ago, when still eating two slices of bread for breakfast. I usually took two sandwiches to work and had to restrain myself from eating at least one of them before 10 a.m. I was hungry all the time. Since going primal, I eat my breakfast at 7, and don't feel a until 1 p.m. And it's not even terribly hungry.

I'm very curious to know where this is good I can feel and how much weight I can lose. So I'll just keep going!

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